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Research lines

The CBMS database is used to investigate aspects related to the biodiversity and ecology of butterflies. In the Publications section you will find a complete chronological list of the scientific work generated by this project. The main lines of research currently being followed, as well as some of the most important papers that have been published, are briefly described below.

Climate change impact on biodiversity

Butterflies are ideal for detecting climate change effects on our ecosystems because (1) as ectothermic organisms they are highly dependent on ambient temperature; (2) like most insects, they have very short generation cycles, which is...

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Landscape changes have an impact on biodiversity

Global change has strong and direct effects on the land uses that make up the landscape. Butterflies respond quickly to habitat alterations and as a result CBMS data show how landscape modifications affect biodiversity, at both regional and local...

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Butterflies ecology

The CBMS provides a huge amount of information on many aspects of the lives of butterflies and, in combination with more detailed studies, it represents a very useful tool for increasing knowledge of their ecology and behaviour. Since the beginning...

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Painted lady biology

Our research group has been leading the study of the long-range migration of the Painted lady, Vanessa cardui, whose populations make a spectacular annual movement between the African and European continents. By combining CBMS data with active...

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Conservation and endangered species

Our research group works on conservation projects for threatened butterflies in Catalonia. We evaluate their conservation status and the measures necessary to favour their populations. Our team collaborates with different entities in the territory...

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Entomological collections and natural history

The MCNG houses numerous entomological collections from different parts of the Catalan territory, especially from the Montseny area. These collections were mostly made over the course of the last century and are useful as a tool for knowledge of...

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Catalan Butterfly Monitoring Scheme 2024
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