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By species

For each of the featured categories, the first four butterfly species are shown. Click on the image to access the species’ datasheet or browse the full list of species by using the ‘All’ tab (you can use the filter to shorten the list).

Increasing populations

The species with the highest annual population growth rate

Declining populations

The species with the most negative annual population growth rate

Greatest increase

The species with the highest population increase in 2022-2023

Greatest decrease

The species with the greatest population decline in 2022-2023

The commonest

The species occurring in the fewest stations

The rarest

The species occurring in the fewest stations

The most abundant

The species with the highest counts in the past season

The least abundant

The species with the lowest counts in the past season


Illustrations by Richard Lewington from Tolman & Lewington (1997) Butterflies of Britain and Europe, translated and published in Spanish by Lynx Edicions.

Week 9 of the season number 31

Catalan Butterfly Monitoring Scheme 2024
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