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Species by transect

Use the following drop-down menu to select a species and a route where it occurs. On the ‘species x transect’ datasheet you will find the phenology and the population trend of the species on the transect. You can also compare the local trend with the regional trend of the species in the climatic region to which the transect belongs.


Lasiommata megera in Cortalet

Although Lasiommata megera is undergoing a severe decline in central Europe, its trend in Catalonia is stable. At local scale, however, some notable increases have been recorded in the last decades. For instance, in El Cortalet, in Aiguamolls de l’Empordà Natural Park, its population levels are higher today than at the start of monitoring in 1994.

Glaucopsyche melanops in la Conreria

Glaucopsyche melanops is undergoing a severe decline in Catalonia. This negative trend is well reflected in the data from La Conreria, where the population has declined greatly over the past two decades and the species is no longer one of the commonest butterflies as it was in the 1990s. The main reason for this local fall has been habitat encroachment, which has also led to a decline in the main host plants.

Week 10 of the season number 31
Catalan Butterfly Monitoring Scheme 2024
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