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By habitat

The graph shows the relative importance (% area) of each of the 20 habitat types present in the CBMS network. By changing the display format to ‘Table’ you can see the exact area in hectares of each habitat in the whole network, as well as the number of associated butterfly species and the number of transects in which the habitat is represented. Keep reading...

Habitat-associated butterfly species have been defined as those showing ≥ 5% of their total abundance (standardized to 100 m) concentrated in that habitat. However, in the ‘All’ column, the total number of species that have been recorded in the habitat are shown, with no restrictive density threshold. The Butterfly icon shows the species that has been found to be most associated with this habitat. Clicking on the name of the habitat, both in the table and in the graph, you can access the ‘Habitat’ sheet.

The 5% density threshold allows us to see clearly which are the most diverse and the poorest habitats for the Catalan butterfly fauna. Both the Mediterranean and, especially, montane meadows, as well as tall shrubland and the ruderal environments, have a very high number of associated butterfly species. Habitat types including different kinds of forests, alpine meadows and agricultural areas occupy an intermediate position. Coastal habitats, on the other hand, have very low number of associated butterfly species.

For more information on the methodology for calculating habitat preferences, see ‘Data Analysis’.


Illustrations by Richard Lewington from Tolman & Lewington (1997) Butterflies of Britain and Europe, translated and published in Spanish by Lynx Edicions.

Week 10 of the season number 31
total ha
Catalan Butterfly Monitoring Scheme 2024
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