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Urban parks, gardens and revegetated areas

Human action strongly determines the plant species composition in most cases. The set of butterfly species in this habitat type will therefore depend on the specific location of the garden and which plants have been chosen for the landscaping (for example, whether they are of exotic origin, ornamental, etc.).

It is a poor habitat for butterflies, only colonized by generalist and highly mobile species that are attracted by nectar sources in most cases. The most common species include Polyommatus icarus, Leptotes pirithous, Lampides boeticus and Pieris rapaeCarcharodus alceae and Libythea celtis are also able to maintain breeding populations in urban trees.

Species that have been found in the habitat within the CBMS network are shown in descending order of preference. The Highlights tab indicates those species with ≥ 5% of their total abundance (standardized to 100 m) concentrated in that habitat. The Species List tab displays a table with the percent density of each species in the habitat (compared to the rest of the CBMS habitat types). Transects shows in descending order the percentage cover of this habitat type for each itinerary in the CBMS network, with the number of botanical characterizations available in the Years column. The Communities tab lists the CORINE codes and names of the plant communities that have been included in this habitat type. This table also gives the area (in m2) occupied by each plant community in the network as a whole.


  • Bueno, D., Ballesteros, E., Masalles, R.M., Martí, E., 2013. Atles dels Ecosistemes dels Països Catalans. Història Natural dels Països Catalans v.13. Enciclopèdia Catalana

Catalan Butterfly Monitoring Scheme 2024
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