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Collaborators and sponsors


The CBMS has a coordination team and a network of collaborators (mainly volunteers) who collect data from the different butterfly transects. The tasks of coordination consist both of technical work (including all the assistance to volunteers and the assembling of the data) and scientific work (including the curation and the analysis of the data). It also aims to expand the network and incorporate new stations. In 1994–2022, the coordination of the CBMS was primarily funded by the Department of the Environment of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

The Diputació de Barcelona also contributed substantially. Many other local bodies have helped by sponsor butterfly transects. To a large extent, the CBMS relies on the selfless collaboration of numerous volunteers, whether they are biologists or amateur naturalists. This is also the approach that is followed in most of other European BMS networks. However, it is also worth noting the assistance (both logistical and financial) received from various institutions, in particular the various natural parks in Catalonia that have always taken an interest in the project and which, in the vast majority of cases, partially subsidize the sampling.

As already mentioned, transects are carried out mainly by volunteers. Some already had previous experience with butterflies, but others started with very limited knowledge. In these cases, there has been a learning period, usually of one year, in which they become familiar with the methods and the identification of the species. At this point, it must be said that the BMS methodology is simple and, at the same time, entertaining, which means that learning is usually fast and has very satisfactory results.


The CBMS is coordinated by the Natural Sciences Museum of Granollers, funded by the Department of Climatic Action, Food and Rural Agenda of the Generalitat of Catalonia, and receives support from the following institutions: the town councils of Barcelona, Flix, La Seu d’Urgell, Vacarisses and Viladecans, Áltima Serveis Funeraris Integral, Granollers Municipal Archive, Associació de Propietaris Forestals Entorns de Montserrat, Centre d’Estudis de la Neu i de la Muntanya d’Andorra, Serra de Collserola Natural Park, Catalan Ministry of Territory and Sustainability (Delta de l’Ebre, Serra del Montsant, Zona Volcànica de la Garrotxa, Montgrí, Illes Medes i Baix Ter Natural Parks), Barcelona Provincial Council (Garraf, Guilleries-Savassona, Montseny, Montnegre-Corredor, Sant Llorenç del Munt i Serra de l’Obac, Serralada Litoral i Serralada de Marina natural parks), Ca l’Arenes and Can Miravitges Nature Schools, Delta del Llobregat Protected Area, Fundació Catalunya – La Pedrera, Grup de Natura Freixe, Institute of Menorcan Studies, Heretat Segura Viudas, Apatura Iris SLU, LafargeHolcim, Spanish Ministry of the Environment (Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici National Park), Museu del Montsià, Observatori Socioambiental de Menorca (OBSAM), Parc de l’Alba, S’Albufera d’Es Grau Natural Park, Recaredo Mata Casanovas S.A., Autonomous University of Barcelona (Servei de Prevenció i Medi Ambient) and Barcelona Zoo.

Week 10 of the season number 31


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Catalan Butterfly Monitoring Scheme 2024
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