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[Resultats per espècie]

Traducción no disponible

Es mostren les 4 primeres papallones per cadascuna de les categories destacades. Cliqueu damunt la seva imatge per accedir a la fitxa o bé exploreu la llista completa a la pestanya "Totes". En aquesta pestanya podeu utilitzar el filtre per escurçar la llista.

[Increasing populations]

[The species with the highest annual population growth rate]

[Declining populations]

[The species with the most negative annual population growth rate]

[Greatest increase]

[The species with the highest population increase in 2022-2023]

[Greatest decrease]

[The species with the greatest population decline in 2022-2023]

[The commonest]

[The species occurring in the fewest stations]

[The rarest]

[The species occurring in the fewest stations]

[The most abundant]

[The species with the highest counts in the past season]

[The least abundant]

[The species with the lowest counts in the past season]


[Illustrations by Richard Lewington from Tolman & Lewington (1997) Butterflies of Britain and Europe, translated and published in Spanish by Lynx Edicions.]

[Week 9 of the season number 31]

Catalan Butterfly Monitoring Scheme 2024
[Web map] | [Notes legals] | Créditos

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